Privacy Policy

Legal Notice

Terms and Conditions

This notice applies to the corporate website. All website contents are property of Matic Grmek s.p., Ulica Borca Petra 18, 1000 Ljubljana and are provided for informational purposes only. The website contains general information about Matic Grmek s.p. and its business, products and services. Please read carefully the notice that refers to anyone who visits this website. The Matic Grmek s.p. company can amend this legal notice at any time, so that every amended version renders binding for users, which is why we recommend that you follow and regularly check these on the website. As a user of the website, you have expressed and confirmed your familiarity with our terms and conditions and have confirmed that you agree with these.

Copyright Statement

All information and graphic materials posted on the website (texts, photographs, videos) are protected by copyright under the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 21/1995 and amendments thereto). The materials may be used for educational and non-commercial purposes only, provided all copyright and proprietary notices are kept intact, and may not be copied, reproduced or disseminated in any way for commercial purposes. Matic Grmek s.p. must be acknowledged as the source of the material on each part that is reproduced (copy, reproduction, publication, transmission). Matic Grmek s.p. reserves the right to modify, update or delete the website contents, in part or in full, at any time and in any way, for any reason and without notice. Visitors use this website and all its contents at their own risk.


Matic Grmek s.p. will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the information posted on this website is as accurate and up to date as possible, but website visitors should keep in mind that the texts are for informational purposes only and that the website owner makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with accuracy or completeness of the website’s textual or graphical contents. Visitors use this website and its contents at their own risk. Matic Grmek s.p. company reserves the right to modify, update or delete the contents of this website at any time and for any purpose. Neither Matic Grmek s.p. nor any other legal entity or natural person involved in the development and deployment of this website shall be held accountable for any unavailability of the website, any inaccuracy in the information provided or any damage arising from or caused by the use of inaccurate or incomplete information, and, subsequently, shall not be liable for any damage or inconvenience caused by the existence of this website, access to and/or use and/or inability to use the information posted on this website and/or any errors in or omissions from the website contents, regardless of whether or not visitors are expressly warned of the risk of such damage. The corporate website contains links to third-party websites that are in no way connected to Matic Grmek s.p. Matic Grmek s.p. cannot guarantee and will not accept or forward any complaints about the accuracy of any third-party website linked to from or referred to on the website, and disclaims all liability with respect to privacy policies adopted by third-party sites. Likewise, Matic Grmek s.p. cannot be held responsible for damage (including that caused by viruses) to computer equipment, mobile phones or any other application which is used to access the website in order to visit this or to use the website. Matic Grmek s.p. is not liable for any damage incurred as a result of using the website, or the inability to use this website.

Privacy Policy

When browsing our websites you remain anonymous. We do not collect personal data. If you will, through mutual correspondence, on the website, fill out the contact form, through which you will contact Matic Grmek s.p., you will voluntarily trust your personal data, such as name, telephone number, event details and e-mail address. Matic Grmek s,p, ensures that it will not use this information for the purposes of direct marketing, sending newsletters, targeted marketing, etc., but only for direct communication – a response to your demand. If you decide to contract with us, we guarantee that we will handle your personal data professionally, which means: legal, fair, secure, diligent, transparent and in accordance with the adopted General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR) and national law. We are fully aware of our responsibility for the disposal of your personal data.

Amendment to the Terms of Use

Continuous internet advances require website updates and the amendment of our legal notice. Matic Grmek s.p. reserves the right to change the content of the website and the legal notice at any time, in any way and regardless of the reason without prior notice and it does not take any responsibility for any consequences of such changes.